Woman Apologizes for Not Respecting Boyfriend’s Boundaries

Dear David C.,

When we were dating, I repeatedly refused to respect your boundaries and I’m very sorry for that.  You wanted to meet for casual dates and get to know each other slowly, but I was not healthy or patient enough to accept that.  I wanted an instant, intimate relationship and I pushed you and manipulated you to get it, ignoring the fact that I was making you uncomfortable.  I could see that my behavior was causing you emotional pain, but I couldn’t stop myself.  When you called off the relationship, I did not want to accept that either, and I caused you further pain.

Looking back on this time period,  I am embarrassed about the way I bulldozed right over your intentions for your own behavior.  I am embarrassed at how obsessive, crazy, and persistent I was.

I have gotten healthier, have found happiness, and have developed a tool kit for dealing with life that works a lot better than the one I had in my twenties when we knew each other.

I wish you health, happiness, and peace,

Jenny D.