Girl Next Door Apologizes for Not Telling Her Neighbor He is First Love

Young Boy pushing girl on a homemade rope swing. Dear SM,

You are my next-door neighbor, my child-hood friend, and my first love.

Since you will probably never see this I guess I can write all of the things I have wanted to say to you every time I walk by you at school. Remember those long summer days playing cops and robbers? Or competing to see who has the best tree house? Watching the fireworks? Playing 4 square? Sledding in your yard on Valentines day? Now we don’t even talk and I/m sorry I have never said anything, but I just want to tell you I miss you like hell and I cant get that ache in the pit of my stomach to go away… I don’t think it ever will go away. And as I look out the window to your house I want to say, “So long, first love.”

All my love, The girl next door ♥